We Were Born Out of the Waters

Hymn for SATB a cappella (2018) ca.3’45”

Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

World Premiere available, please inquire.

we were born psl.jpg

Above audio is a MIDI mock-up of one verse.

We Were Born Out of the Waters
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

We were born out of the waters that give life to all the earth.
We were made God's sons and daughters at the font of our rebirth.
Every day, God's waters bless us! We are nourished and renewed;
For the waters that surround us give us life and health and food.

Just as rivers join each other, all creation joins in song.
All of nature works together, bold and beautiful and strong.
Fish that fill a flowing river, springs of water from below
Daily point us to the Giver from whom blessings overflow.

God, we hear the troubling thunder of the shouts of "Profit first!"
Land and streams are torn asunder till creation cries in thirst.
God, we thirst for healthy waters and for justice for the land,
As your faithful sons and daughters, may we rise to take a stand.

God who made the whole creation, with its rivers, fields and streams,
You have given us a vision of what caring for them means.
May we care for all your waters, for your land, for sky above;
May we serve you as protectors of this world that you so love.