Prayer of St. Francis

Hymn for SATB a cappella (2019), 2’45”

Text: Anonymous (adapt. Jonathan David)

Premiered May 7, 2022, Oshkosh, WI; University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Chamber Choir, Music Director Shannon Gravelle

Prayer of St Francis 2020_Page_3.jpg

This is a reference recording only, recorded with 5 singers. Breaths not included in the score were necessary. Video of premiere, with full chorus, coming soon.

Program Notes

While the text to the Prayer of St. Francis certainly espouses the famous preacher’s values, there’s no evidence he actually wrote the text, which is thus generally acknowledged as “anonymous.” The most famous setting is probably that of the South African Franciscan monk and songwriter, Sebastian Temple, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, from 1967.

Temple’s setting is folk song-like, characterized by steady, repeated eighth-notes. While still straightforward, mine is more pensive, rhythmically more flexible, and more contemporary harmonically. There is a suggestion of Mixolydian mode with chords rooted in the flatted-7th, Db. The third verse journeys to the mediant minor of G before returning to the home key, with sopranos soaring to the highest notes of the piece. A short coda brings the work back to the quiet atmosphere of the opening.

Prayer of St. Francis
Anonymous (adapt. Jonathan David)

Make me a vessel of your peace.
Where there is hatred, I will spread your love.
Where there is injury, please, pardon, Lord.
Where there is doubt, sure faith in you.

Make me a vessel of your peace.
Where there's despair, I will spread hope.
Where there is darkness, radiant light.
Where there is sadness, always joy.

O, master, grant that I may cease to seek.
So much to be consoled as to console.
To be understood as to understand.
To be loved as to love with heart and soul.

Make me a vessel of your peace.
Where there is hatred, I will spread your love.
Where there is injury, please, pardon, Lord.
Where there is doubt, sure faith in you.